Antiquarian Books |
The history of Don Quichotte. Amsterdam - 1717. Volumes 1,3 and 6 only, bound in calf. Beautiful books measuring 5 inches high and in good condition. |
WP1232 | SOLD | SOLD |
The poetical works of Lord Lyttelton. Bound in calf this little book has an engraved front illustration and is circa 1781. Height 51/4 inches, good condition |
WP 1241 | SOLD | SOLD |
The poetical works of Charles Churchill -
1783 - in 3
vols. These 3 volumes are bound in calf and each has an engraved front illustration. Height 51/4 inches condition good. |
WP1240 | SOLD | ORDER |
The poetical works of Samuel Butler -
1784 - in 3 vols. 3 volumes bound in calf and with engraved front illustrations. height 5 1/4 inches and the condition is good. |
WP1239 | $SOLD | ORDER |
Goldsmiths History of the Earth and Animated Nature. This famous work is presented here in the 1855 edition, published by Fullfriton and Macnae - Edinburgh. There are countless full page hand coloured engravings of animals, birds etc. Many of them beautiful some of them unintentionally funny! Bound in 2 volumes with 1/4 tan leather with green labels. Good condition, weak hinge on one volume. |
WP1237 | SOLD for 2 vols | ORDER |
The lays of Ancient Rome - Lord Macaulay. Published in 1872 this book is bound in lovely red morocco and is 7 inches high. Very good condition. |
WP1238 | SOLD | ORDER |
Spain and it's people -
A record of recent travel -
Eugene Poitou This is beautifully bound in leather and has numerous illustrations. Height 8 inches, good condition, weak hinges. circa 1873 |
WP1301 | SOLD | ORDER |
Books from the library of Elizabeth
Hope-Vere. This is a collection beautifully bound in Red Morocco with gilt tooling to the front boards and gilt edges. They were published in Paris in the 1850's and are all around 6 inches high and in very good condition - the leather is supple and the gilt is bright. Why not have us post one as a gift? |
de Jesus Christ. Published in Paris in 1854.
WP1300 | $79 | ORDER |
A book of meditations. 6 1/2 inches high. | WP1303 | $59 | ORDER |
Sermons Choisis, in 3 volumes, published Paris 1859 | WP1304 | $139 3vols |
Traites de Morale Chrétienne - Dugvet. Vols 1 and 2. Published in Paris in 1858. | WP1305 | $99 2vols |
The New Testament. Vols 2 and 3 only. Circa 1840 and bound in the same lovely Red Leather as the others. | WP1302 | $99 2vols |
Lettres Spirituelles - Fenelon. 3 volumes published Paris 1856. | WP 1306 | $139 3vols | ORDER |
Lettres de Piéte - Bossvet. In 2 vols. | P1307 | $99 2vols |
Traites de Morale. Printed in Paris - 1857 | WP1308 | $59 | ORDER |
La vie Devoté. Published in 2 volumes, Paris 1855. | WP1309 | $99 2 vols |
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